Bo Peng wrote:
I really don't understand why you insist on putting a bundled .lyx file into
an SCM (svn). Either you use an scm or you use a bundled file, not both. If
you use an SCM and receive a bundled file, unbundle it and put it in an SCM,
as simple as that. There is absolutely no need to be SCM friendly for a
bundled file, nor for diff either.

The advantage (maybe you do not see it this way)
definitely not :-)

 of my approach is
that there is no bundled mode, and there is no unbundle. The file is
continued to be svn friendly, and nobody would svn a compressed
OK, replace 'bundled' with 'embedded' and you get the same result: there is no need to be svn friendly, I mean at all. Second, even if you (or someone else) insist on this issue, we are talking about diff friendly here, not svn. Svn doesn't really care if the file is text or binary. FYI you can configure svn to use any helper application besides diff. We could for example create a python script that would diff two bundled files and provide a file with track change, or simply the text diff of the text part of the .lyx file. Those are really no issue IMO.

In Richard's approach, users have two choices (already a bad thing).
svn filename.lyxdir. This has the disadvantage that files under this
directory is organized by LyX, with aliased names. Users can also svn
their existing external files, but this can only be done through the
troublesome full unbundling (export LyX with external files, copy
files back and svn).
Sorry, but I think that's the only correct way to work (unbundling or unembedding before putting in svn). I only see the bundled format as a "portable" lyx for the SCM impaired ;-)

Enough said, let's fix some bugs in trunk for a change :-)


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