Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> I was wrong---Qt 5.6 beta has now been delayed to 12 November. You can
> read the short discussion regarding the delay here:
> We have a few options as to what we should do about LyX 2.2.0 alpha:
> 1. Wait a couple weeks for Qt 5.6 beta to release alpha.
> 2. Release alpha sooner with the Qt 5.6 snapshot. There is "Not full set of
> installers but at least one for each platform" [1]:
> The beta blockers are here:
> 3. Release alpha sooner with Qt 5.5.1 (just released two weeks ago).
> Thoughts?

Haha this sounds familiar, they will delay again :)

Anyway, while it is nice to care about our installers for mac/win, the main
concern now should be releasing tarball and let the community fight the rest --
whether it means qt 5 snapshot, qt4 on other systems, whatever. I expect even
releasing tarball will cause obstacles you haven't expected and the same
applies for preparing installers. This can go in parallel with Qt people
solving their problem.

I would say that first alpha is more for distro maintainers/installer
maintainers etc to catch their problems, not for users. We don't need to
publish installers if it's too bad - but you will have all other tools and
checks prepared when time is ripe...


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