Op 20 okt. 2015 20:35 schreef "Georg Baum" <georg.b...@post.rwth-aachen.de>:
> Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> > Besides this I am still using MSVC 2010. I need to update to MSVC 2012
> > or newer and this is another challenge. I already tested MSVC 2012 with
> > Qt 5.5 with success. Let's see what Qt 5.6 supports and if I can then
> > still compile LyX 2.1.x with Qt 4.x and MSVC 2010 on the same PC.
> I would suggest to use the newest stable version, with is currently MSVC
> 2015. Then you need to update and adjust to changes look and feel less
> often.
> In general, installing two MSVC versions in parallel is no problem, the
> is true for qt. The only thing you need to make sure is that none of these
> versions is listed in the PATH or other environment variables. Then you
> use two build.bat files for the two versions, and set all needed
> variables (e.g. adding the qt bin dir to PATH for moc etc) separate in
> two files.
> Furthermore, a new MSVC version requires a new dependency package. As I
> already wrote to David Hyde (who wants to compile LyX with a newer MSVC),
> think that the current procedure of providing the binaries for a sepcific
> MSVC version produces too much work in the long run. Instead, a python or
> cmake script to download the sources of the dependencies and compile them
> should be written. This is more effort initially, but pays off in the long
> term, and also removes some pressure from you, since others can then
> the dependencies they need without manual work for you.
> Georg

First, it looks like that the 2010 libraries can work with at least MSVC
2012. Is that because MSVC 2010 is or was also installed on the same
machine? If so, releasing such a hybrid might give troubles that won't be
foreseen. So, better to warn Uwe as he claims to have tested with MSVC 2012
and Qt 5.5.

Second, I guess it's up to me to figure out compiling the dependencies. I
remember that Joost had manually changed gettext to be able to make
suitable libraries. Did we get rid of gettext libs completely or do we
still need it (besides the msgmerge and friends applications) ?

It's a good idea to update cmake to download the sources.


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