On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 06:57  AM, Erik Price wrote:
I'm not trying to invalidate the claims of the afflicted, I merely want to mention that there's probably at least as many people who aren't having problems (and for whom Jaguar offers worthwhile niceties that aren't available in 10.1.x, though this is of course subjective). Hopefully you don't encounter any either when you do upgrade.
Yeah, I don't mean to suggest that the upgrade hasn't been worthwhile. In almost every functional area, there's been improvement, but it's two steps forward, one step back. There are plenty of visual candy things that are nicer now, but this one little font bug was annoying me, and now that it's fixed too, I'm even happier.

Also, I wasn't able to build things like libapreq on 10.1.5, but that should be much easier on Jag.


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