You really shouldn't seeing any stuff like that that's entirely random. My bet would be bad RAM. I'd say dig out your hardware checkup disk and run it. If it's not ram, it's almost definitely a hardware problem, since that's about the only stuff that runs in kernel space.
On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 01:18 PM, Heather Madrone wrote:

I thought the Monaco 9 font was incredibly hard to read in the
Terminal app, so I changed it to Courier New and upped the
size to 12.

At 12:25 PM -0500 1/7/03, Chris Devers wrote:
That is, it's much nicer, everything seems to run faster and there's a lot
more polish to many of the system applications. But I'm also seeing things
like kernel panics & random, fatal interface freezes for the first time
since I dunno maybe 10.0.4 or so, and none of the patch releases since
10.2 have corrected these issues.
I'm running on a new Powerbook.  I've finally gotten most of the
wrinkles out of the system, but I also get regular kernel panics
and random freezes.  The system also refuses to shut down
frequently, often with no message.  As I figure out what causes
these events, I change my behavior, but the Powerbook is
definitely flakier than Windows 95, 98, or NT.

OTOH, I stuck Perl 5.8 in /usr/local, and I've had no difficulty
with it whatsoever.

Heather Madrone  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Reality: deeper than I dreamed.

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