I thought the Monaco 9 font was incredibly hard to read in the
Terminal app, so I changed it to Courier New and upped the
size to 12.

At 12:25 PM -0500 1/7/03, Chris Devers wrote:
>That is, it's much nicer, everything seems to run faster and there's a lot
>more polish to many of the system applications. But I'm also seeing things
>like kernel panics & random, fatal interface freezes for the first time
>since I dunno maybe 10.0.4 or so, and none of the patch releases since
>10.2 have corrected these issues.

I'm running on a new Powerbook.  I've finally gotten most of the
wrinkles out of the system, but I also get regular kernel panics
and random freezes.  The system also refuses to shut down
frequently, often with no message.  As I figure out what causes
these events, I change my behavior, but the Powerbook is
definitely flakier than Windows 95, 98, or NT.

OTOH, I stuck Perl 5.8 in /usr/local, and I've had no difficulty
with it whatsoever. 

Heather Madrone  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  http://www.madrone.com
Reality: deeper than I dreamed.

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