On Thu, 2020-09-17 at 14:56 -0400, Brian Carpenter wrote:
> On 9/17/20 2:27 PM, Jim Popovitch via Mailman-Users wrote:
> > On Thu, 2020-09-17 at 14:15 -0400, Brian Carpenter wrote:
> > Absolutely not.  I'm intrigued by the idea of mailman-core (1/3 of mm3)
> > with a lightweight web-based GUI in front of it.  But, to date, that
> > doesn't exist. I also don't see the need for a db and api with a MLM,
> > but I do see value in those things.
> No just a need for a 15 year out-dated user interface and a MLM that 
> requires an EOL version of Python. Otherwise Mailman 3 can behave in the 
> same manner as Mailman 2. The installation of Mailman 3 takes an hour. 
> That includes OS, web server, database, MTA and python 3. All of the 
> complexity you continue to gripe about is, to use your word, fud.

The age of a product shouldn't determine it's usefulness.  Is Mark less
useful because of his age?  WTF dude?  

I don't get how you are a champion of mm3 being a simple install. You do
realize this list's archive is full of your problems with mm3, right? 
That, and you had to replace 2/3 of mm3 to get what you wanted?  How is
that easy, and how is that done in 1 hour?

> > That's just FUD.  Don't take offense because I haven't taken you up on
> > your mm3 work around(s).  I have mm3 installs, but they are not what my
> > users want.
> There it is again. A use of a word meant to imply something negative. 
> Affinity and Empathy are not "workarounds". They are modern interfaces 
> that I developed because I host MANY list owners with all kinds of 
> requirements. I also wanted something to set apart myself from other 
> potential competitors. I am still using Postorius and Hyperkitty to for 
> Mailman 3 hosting clients. They are still fine to work with.
> So your users don't want to use a MLM that works just like Mailman 2? 
> Mailman 3 can just be that but the potential to be more is there, a 
> potential that Mailman 2 does not have.
> > Again, you're the guy who had to pay someone else to make 2/3rds of
> > Mailman 3 work for you.
> Again a disingenuous remark. You pull the same bs with Stephen all the 
> time. Mailman 3 works fine apart from Affinity/Empathy. I accomplished a 
> bold marketing and brand move with those two applications. You wouldn't 
> understand that. 

I do understand it, it's just that your business doesn't matter one way
or the other to me.  I get the sense that you might think we are MLM
competitors, we're not.  You have a MLM business, I just host a few
lists for others at my expense.

> I am no longer on the same playing field with budget 
> hosts. I have set my company apart from them. Why because Mailman 3 gave 
> me the ability to do that. Mailman 2 did not.
> > My "custom scripts" are cron+bash scripts to send monthly mailman
> > reports out to admins.  Hardly anything that can't be re-worked anywhere
> > else, but why?
> Then why bring them up as a reason to not use MM3?

They were a bullet point in a list of bullet points, nothing more.

> > > Please let Simon know I can install Mailman 3 and migrate his list to
> > > Mailman 3 within a day.
> > I won't be your salesman.
> Yet you have been in the past. Jimmy, did I offend you???

In the past I simply sent someone to you because they came to me asking
to pay me to do a mm3 migration. I told them I was no fan, but that you
were.  I don't get your "Jimmy" comment, but whatever dude.

> > I hope you one day see how ridiculous that sounds as an elevator pitch.
> Not anymore ridiculous as your proposals to work harder to keep an EOL 
> MLM application alive when its replacement is alive and well.

I'm curious, do you get a new car every year when the dealership
replaces last year's model?

-Jim P.

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