On 2022-04-25 at 10:19 +0100, Laura Atkins via mailop wrote:
> The most recent Spamhaus botnet update report addresses this very
> nicely and provides direct evidence that free domain registrations
> are heavily abused. 
> https://www.spamhaus.com/custom-content/uploads/2022/04/Botnet-Report-Q1-2022.pdf
> "A more detailed review of our data reveals that the majority of
> fraudulent domain registrations within Freenom’s TLDs are not linked
> to highly advanced and sophisticated threat actors, but users of
> freely available crimeware kits that they have bought for a few bucks
> on the dark web. These somewhat “amateur” threat actors do not have
> the same financial resources as more “professional” cybercriminals.
> Therefore, it is no surprise that they try to (ab)use services that
> are available for free – such as Freenom offers.” 
> Spamhaus ultimately concludes that section: "It’s evident that where
> there’s a freebie, there’s abuse!” 
> laura 

Note however that they refer to freenom domains, which are immediately
available, unlike the model that rafa described.

At the same time, freenom's are (generally*) quite trivial to take down
as well.

* I have seen spam using a *paid freenom domain, which made it "more


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