On 10/19/22 13:33, Heiko Schlittermann via mailop wrote:

I'm not sure how to complain and where. But I hope that here we can
start a discussion again. I'm quite upset.

Is this the new world?

A given mailhost (ran privately for smaller entities) can't send
messages to T-Online anymore.

   554 IP= - A problem occurred. …

Do you have an impressum page on your website? T-online will reject any mail from a server without an impressum. This happened to me this year and, after contacting them, they made it clear that I would not be able to send mails to them without that impressum.
Check this URL too:

The sending IP belongs to a rented host (rented from a major German
hoster). The answer he (the owner of that host) got was about like this:

(translation by me):
   Sorry, we only accept messages from proven
   commercial or similiar servers. Please use the SMTP relay of your hoster
   or your ISP.

I know that T-Online's postmaster announced this kind of behaviour, but
I didn't expect that they are going to implement it, as I saw enough
complaints here.

 From my point of view they now force smaller MSP into contracts with
bigger mail relays, working towards a centralization of mail services,
which IMHO is exactly the opposite way mail was originally designed to
work as.

@mailops: What's your opinion?

Personally I consider this quite rude, and as a smaller ISP I'll be hit
sooner or later. As an Exim developer I'm asking myself why they
(T-Online) assume that I shouldn't run my own mail service.

     Best regards from Dresden/Germany
     Viele Grüße aus Dresden
     Heiko Schlittermann
  SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
  Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
  gnupg encrypted messages are welcome --------------- key ID: F69376CE -

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