Dnia 17.01.2023 o godz. 20:05:45 Jarland Donnell via mailop pisze:
> You visit mail-tester.com, copy the email address, send an email to
> it, and then wait about 15-30 seconds and click the button. It'll
> give you an overview. It's not perfect, but if your email has some
> very significant, avoidable problems it's an easy way to identify a
> few common ones.

It's a very interesting service, thank you for the info. However, I must say
that even having 10/10 and all green on this service (as I have) means
nothing with regard to deliverability to Google - my messages are still put
to Spam folder as they have been. Even after manually marking the message as
non-spam by recipient, the next message goes to spam again.

Seems like the only way to have my messages delivered normally to Inbox is
to tell the Gmail recipient to create a filter on my sender address with the
action "never send to spam". Which is pretty idiotic, because a) an average
Gmail user is a person who can't do this (if he/she could, he/she would
probably choose a better mail service than Gmail); b) even if the recipient
can do this, how am I supposed to tell this to a person for whom I have
only email contact?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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