On Fri, Oct 4, 2024 at 04:25 PM, Mark Baugher wrote:

> I'm pretty sure there are differences between us. I was thinking of the
> Second and Third International parties and their trade union wings that
> funded them, historically, rather than contemporary. Today, these parties
> have become bureaucratized administrators of their respective neoliberal
> states. Nonetheless, I suspect that most have much more proletarian
> content than the US Democratic Party even today.

There are no Communist parties originating from the Third International which 
administer neoliberal capitalist states.

Precisely how "much more proletarian content" do you see in the parties which 
trace their origins to the Second International than in the Democrats? They are 
all equally labour-backed  left-centre parties with the same social base of 
reform-minded trade unionists and supporters of the womens', gay, and other 
social movements. They all have the same pro-capitalist leadership and program. 
They all , as you acknowledge, have the same record in office as 
"bureaucratized administrators of their respective neoliberal states", and they 
are all members of the US-led NATO alliance.

You may think there were meaningful differences between Bill Clinton and Tony 
Blair or between Barak Obama and Francois Hollande or now between Joe Biden and 
Keith Starmer and Olaf Scholz, but they would all laughingly deny that. So for 
that matter would their supporters. I know from my own experience in Canada and 
the US that supporters of the NDP view the Democrats as political kin and 
vice-versa.  The same is true of the Labour and social democratic rank-and-file 
in western Europe who see their Democratic counterparts in the United States as 
composed of the same forces and fighting the same battle as themselves against 
the right-centre and increasingly far right parties.

You either genuinely see these social democratic parties with literally 
rose-coloured glasses, or more likely are stretching to portray them without 
any evidence as still somehow more akin to "workers' parties" in order to 
justify your abhorence of the Democrats.

IMO suupport for any left-centre party in an advanced capitalist country is 
pre-eminently and always a tactical question, and involves multiple 
considerations, among them:

a) Is there a mass or even a small mass anticapitalist party which is drawing 
workers away from these parties?

b) Does the other major party to their right represent a real threat to the 
historic democratic rights and social gains won by the working class?

c) Is the party backed by the labour movement?

d) Is there an organized left wing in the party opposed to the party leadership 
and direction?

I think the differences you see between us are more imagined rather than real, 
but I'm happy to engage with you as someone with a history of trade union 
involvement and membership in a small vanguard organization with ties to the 
pre WWII workers' movement.

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