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Let me de-lurk for just a moment to ask for help with something.  I just
recently purchased a Pioneer Home Audio CD Recorder (like the Phillips
product).  I thought I was getting ahead in this process, but found that one
must purchase the "special" CD-ROMs at an inflated price to work in these units.

I found an article on the internet that says standard recordable disks can be
used, but there is a process that must be followed.... and the question I have

Does anyone know what this process is?

It is my intention to copy my minidiscs to standard CD for archival purposes.  I
own the original Sony home unit, with the player, the Sharp 702, and a snappy
little Denon portable recorder I found on MiniDisc Now.

Any help would be appreciated.  Please email me directly if you wish to keep
this thread off the list.


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