Dave, I would like to join this opinion of yours. If anything, my talk
at meego con showed the ill results for Maemo but there was no option
there to do UX development in the open. Alas, MeeGo seems to repeat
most of the mistakes time after time without improving. This
dramatically can influence the future of the project, as I fear.

Given comments I received for the talk, and the lack of address of
issues mentioned there I am wondering if there is indeed any will to
really listen to the community. The compliance spec process as it was
handled so far also does not seem promising.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Dave Neary <dne...@maemo.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
>> On Monday 21 Feb 2011 12:58:10 Alistair Buxton wrote:
>>> That is how it is supposed to work. You are supposed to press the windows
>>> key to go back, or hold it for the application switcher.
> <snip>
>>   So, my suggestion - user taps win key, if no apps are open, show launcher,
>> if more apps are open than the currently focused, show apps. i see no reason
>> to deliberately make it more difficult :)
> ...and here we have one of the difficulties of this project, and one of
> the reasons why I said recently that Nokia's problems were more related
> to execution than to the quality of the raw materials at their disposal.
> Leinir's idea sounds OK. Perhaps the person responsible for the UX
> design will even agree that it's OK.
> But even if the best placed person in the technical UX project agreed,
> the chances that it could be changed at this point, when we find out
> about it, are slim. The costs now would be much higher than if the
> change were proposed & made several months ago. But because the UX
> interfaces are being developed and specced behind closed doors, and we
> discover finished code which we are expected to "patch" (as opposed to
> "write"), everyone ends up frustrated.
> Now I'm not even attaching a whole lot of importance to this particular
> thing. But it is evidence, if anyone were looking for some, for the
> inherent difficulties in developing open source software as a private
> project.
> Cheers,
> Dave.
> --
> Email: dne...@maemo.org
> Jabber: bo...@jabber.org
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