On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Mark Constable <ma...@renta.net> wrote:
> Has anyone any idea if and when Intel will contribute their Tablet
> UX binaries and sources to repo.meego.com and gitorious.org?

Interestingly, the files in the Intel Tablet UX (
http://appdeveloper.intel.com/en-us/meego-iso-esla ) all have a
copyright that's open-source, and that we can (re)use the code in any
way we want.
(thanks Intel!!! -- you all rock!!)

 * Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation.
 * This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
 * Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at      
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

import Qt 4.7
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1
import MeeGo.Components 0.1
import MeeGo.Media 0.1
import MeeGo.Sharing 0.1

grep -nrH -e Apache /usr/share/meego-*
tcsh: No entry for terminal type "emacs-grep"
tcsh: using dumb terminal settings.
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/DateTimeEntryView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/NewEventView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/HeaderComponentView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/RepeatEndListDelegate.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/ViewsSelectorTabView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/CalendarDayView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/ExtendedMouseArea.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/ContentItem.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/AlarmListDelegate.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/CalendarListView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/Slot.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/EventDetailsView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/DataLoaderCombo.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/TimeZoneListDelegate.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/EventActionsPopup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/RepeatListDelegate.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/CalendarWeekView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/CalendarMonthView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-calendar/MultipleEventsPopup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/ZoomSlider.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/FlashButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/CameraToggleButton.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
 The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/PushButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/BottomBar.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/NoSpaceDialog.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/TopBar.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/ToggleSwitch.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/RepeatButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-camera/PhotoReviewBin.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-clocks/Alarm.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-clocks/ExtendedMouseArea.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-clocks/NewClockMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-clocks/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
 The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-clocks/Clock.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-clocks/NewAlarmMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/WebPageEditWidget.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/GroupedViewPortrait.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/AddressEditWidget.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/NewContactViewPortrait.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/EditViewPortrait.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/EmailEditWidget.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/ImEditWidget.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/HeaderPortrait.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/EmptyContacts.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/ActionMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/ContactCardPortrait.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/PhoneEditWidget.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-contacts/DetailViewPortrait.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/FolderFilter.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/EmailAddress.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/ToolbarButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/EmailRecipient.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/ReadingViewToolbar.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/AttachmentView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/EmailHeader.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/SortFilter.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/EmailDropDown.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/ContentItem.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/VerticalAligner.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/Slot.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/AttachmentDisplay.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/AddAttachmentView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/FolderListView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/settings.js:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/AccountExpandobox.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/Expandobox.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/WelcomeButton.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/TextControl.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/IntervalOption.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/PasswordControl.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/DetailsScreen.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/ManualScreen.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/ConfirmScreen.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/Label.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/AccountSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/Separator.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/RegisterScreen.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/NotificationSetting.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/Subheader.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/WelcomeScreen.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/DropDownControl.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/WelcomeButtons.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/settings/EmailSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/testcomposer.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/ToolbarDivider.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/AccountPage.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/AddAttachmentToolbar.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/EmailButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/ReadingView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/FolderListMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/EmailEntry.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/ComposerView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/Composer.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-email/AccountViewToolbar.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-fingerpaint/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/PresenceIcon.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/ContactsDelegate.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/AccountDelegate.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/SendFileView.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/IncomingCall.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/MessageScreenContent.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/AddAFriend.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/ContactsLoading.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/ContactsScreenContent.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/NoNetworkHeader.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/FileTransferDelegate.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/AvatarsGroupList.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/protocols/AimAccountContent.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/protocols/JabberAccountContent.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/protocols/GoogleTalkAccountContent.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-app-im/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/CallCountIcon.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/InfoPanel.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/ContactPickerDelegate.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/settings/ImSettings.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/TextArea.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
 The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/MessageDelegate.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/SmileyModel.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/ContactPickerContent.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/Avatar.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/MessageContactsDelegate.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/IMToolBar.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/SmileyGridView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/ContactContentMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/ContactRequestDelegate.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/AccountOffline.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/MessageContentMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/utils.js:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/PictureChangeMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/AccountScreenContent.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-im/CallToolBar.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-music/functions.js:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-music/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-music/MusicListView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-music/AddToPlaylistMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-music/MusicToolBar.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/NoteButton.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/OneButtonModalDialog.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/AddButton.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/NoteDetail.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/NotesView.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/ShareNote.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/NotebooksView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/FontSelector.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/ImageButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/DeleteMoveNotificationDialog.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/FontSizeSelector.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/NotebookSelector.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/TwoButtonsModalDialog.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-notes/ConfirmDeleteDialog.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/PhotoToolbar.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/PhotoViewer.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/DragItem.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
 The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/PhotosView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/PhotoDetailsView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/BlueButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-photos/AlbumsView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/ExtendedMouseArea.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/Action.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TasksToggleButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TasksActionMenu.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TaskListPicker.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/CategoryView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/BottomBar.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/CategoryItem.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/EditableStringListView.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/Checkbox.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/DropdownBox.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TasksModalDialog.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TasksDatePicker.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TasksDetailWindow.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TaskListView.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TasksButton.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/CreateNewTaskRow.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-tasks/TasksTextInput.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-video/functions.js:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-app-video/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/ColorstripCreator.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/WallpaperTools.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/home.js:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/AppIcon.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/SectionDelegate.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
 The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/CustomWallpapers.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/Personalize.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/BuiltInWallpapers.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-appgrid/MainContent.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-daemon/taskswitcher.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-daemon/lockscreen.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/photos/photospanel.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/photos/FrontPanelPhotoIconItem.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/mytablet/MyTabletPanel.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
* Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/music/musicpanel.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/music/FrontPanelMusicTrackListView.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/friends/FriendsItem.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/friends/friendspanel.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/video/FrontPanelVideoPreviewItem.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/video/videopanel.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version 2.0.
The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/web/webpanel.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-panels/web/FrontPanelWebPreviewItem.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Wifi/ConnectionsSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Wifi/WifiExpandingBox.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Bluetooth/AgentConfirmView.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
* Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Bluetooth/RequestConfirmDialog.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Bluetooth/NearbyDevices.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Bluetooth/BluetoothSettings.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Bluetooth/RequestPidCodeDialog.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Bluetooth/RequestpasskeyDialog.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
* Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Socialweb/Socialweb.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Panels/PanelSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/GenericPlaceholder.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Volume/VolumeSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Language/LanguageSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/InputBox.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/SearchGroup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/StartupGroup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/CheckboxButton.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/ContentSettingGroup.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/BookmarkGroup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/LoginDialog.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/PasswordGroup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/NetworkingProxyGroup.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/RadioButton.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/HomePageGroup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/TextBox.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/BrowserSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/PrivacyGroup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/ConfirmDialog.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/GroupBox.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Browser/SyncGroup.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/ContentItem.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/TimeDate/TimeDateSettings.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/main.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Slot.qml:5: * Apache License, version
2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/DeclarativeTopicFilter.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/SyncContacts.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/SyncDetails.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/AllVisibleSyncProfiles.qml:5: *
Apache License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/SyncCalendar.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/SyncListDelegate.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/SyncList.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/SyncLoginDialog.qml:5: * Apache
License, version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at
/usr/share/meego-ux-settings/Sync/SyncMain.qml:5: * Apache License,
version 2.0.  The full text of the Apache License is at

Grep finished (matches found) at Mon Feb 21 18:52:22

- - Niels
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