On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Alistair Buxton <a.j.bux...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, the panels aren't overflowing the screen. I can see why you would
> think that, but they are actually supposed to touch the bottom of the
> display.

They overflow my display on the ideapad. By now I can't really test,
as I needed the netbook to do some work so I had to install Ubuntu
Netbook Edition on it. While Unity does not fully support touch, it
does a good job in not standing in the way of the user.

> And if you change the resolution you won't see any difference, because the
> QML UI always stretches to fill the whole screen.

> Anyway, I started hacking the QML to fit more than two panels on screen at
> once and this is the result. Put it in /usr/share/meego-ux-panels/ and
> reboot.

Maybe you can upload it to the community OBS so we can benefit from it
through the MeeGo package manager?

> --
> Alistair Buxton
> a.j.bux...@gmail.com
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