
>Very big disadvantage to do QWidget application is that you can't get full 
>MeeGo handset user experience, you don't have
>sliding stacked windows, portrait orientation / orientation switching support, 
>animations etc and you can't do them at
>all with QWidgets ( without doing everything with proxywidget ).
It s really a bad news for me. As i didn't know that it ll be so bad.

>In QML this just means that your application needs to load UML file tailored 
>for certain platform UX
>to provide optimum UX.
So one qml declaration by plateform.

>At the moment MeeGo application with Qt Quick Components is just re-compile
>for Maemo5 and MeeGo

I have an other example. As a python developer i ll talk about what i know.

One application i made, a Twitter client use actually PyQt4 or PySide
binding so with Qt4.
I didn't have different code for different plateform, except some
dynamic adjustment for screen size, systray or some minor things for
plateform look and feel. It s works on MacOSX, Windows, Xfce/Gnome/KDE
on a linux debian (not yet package for other distrib), Maemo, and
probably Meego (not tested yet).

So now about QML, if i forgot that i hate the javascript css mix of
the things, currently it s require that you define ui yourself,
difficult to respect look and feel of the plateform, require a
description of the ui for the different plateform, and doesn't seem to
respect Theme on Maemo.

So yes i know, it s in development, but the problem i see here is that
it s maybe not yet the time to push dev to switch to qml, and also to
say that QWidget will probably not be supported.

I m remembering when MeeGo was announce that doing your app today on
Maemo in Qt will be better for future and will require less work for
port to MeeGo. At this time, many dev loose time as Qt wasn't at this
time really ready for everyday use (many bugs on maemo plateform).
Currently it s look like a new technology, require to reconstruct many
things, isn't ready, and many push for using it. It s look like we are
doing the same errors again.

And now, i'll probably not adopt the QML for my project. If QWidget is
drop for future Meego Handset device (by drop i mean, no autorotation,
no respect of the plateform look and feel, etc ...). I ll probably
look for an other plateform/framework (do not me ask which one, as i
ll answer that Qt (QWidget) + Python is perfect (for my use.) ).

This was the point of view of a whinning dev :)

Benoît HERVIER, Khertan Software - http://khertan.net/
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