[  date  ] 2000/05/25 | Thursday | 10:28 PM
[ author ] Jason Bodnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Probably the best way to learn good OO Perl is to learn Java or C++. As
> Gunther said, other languages are much more strict so they force you to
> write good OO stuff. 

I'd hesitate to push C++ on a beginner, but I'm a little
biased.  For an introductory text on what OO is all about,
I would suggest you go to:


and get the ObjectiveCBook.pdf.  I'm not asking you to
learn Objective-C, but I think it would be really helpful
if you just read the first chapter of this book which has
one of the best introductions to OO I've ever read.  This
chapter is what really made the idea of OO click for me.
Maybe it will help you understand, as well.

> Definitely read the perltoot (Tom's OO Tutorial). I've heard alot of good
> things about Damian Conway's OO Perl book but I haven't read it myself. The
> advanced perl programming book has a nice section on OO. But, learning OO
> in a Java or C++ context would probably be the best way to start.

I just got Damian Conway's book yesterday, and I think
it would be a good book to have.  I thought I had a good
handle on Perl's capabilities, but this guy really knows 
his Perl like no other.  A lot of it may be too advanced,
but the beginning parts are geared towards newcomers to
OO, so this book will last you a long time.

As for the other suggestions...
I agree with you on perltoot -- I learned a lot from that.
Again, I hesitate to suggest C++.

my 2 yen

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