> So therefore would it not be easy to modify your code to check for a
> pnotes entry called session and cookies ?

Yes, of course this would be very easy

> If session is set then use that.
> If cookie is set (ie 1) then assume cookies are on! else if you have a
> session and cookies are off then rewrite your urls to include the
> session ID ?

ok so far

> Ok - remeber that the URI transhandler stage is before nearly all the
> others - hence a redirect should work.

Exactly this is the problem. Not for the second request, because you already
know (by cookie or session id in the url) that you are has a page that
useses sessions, but for the first request.

In your case you need something that tells your TransHandler that it should
generate a session id (and cookie or a redirect), while it shouldn't do this
for other pages. As far as I understand you do this by the use of a REGEX
that must be somewhere configured. In oppostite to that aproach, Embperl
simply looks at his session hash and see if something is modify and only if
somethings is written into this hash, the session id is generated and the
cookie is send. In this way, I don't need to configure which page useses
session handling and which not.

> Is the pnotes issue OK ? or should we use an Environment Variable to
> transfere the data between handlers ?

pnotes is ok for mod_perl, Embperl session handling also works when running
as CGI, where we don't have pnotes. Maybe we can simply use some globals to
pass the data, additional to the pnotes. The globals will work under
mod_perl (also under 2.0) and CGI


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