On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Aaron E. Ross wrote:

>  while the install and auto configure part is not very glamorous, the
>  possibility of being able to untar one package to get mod_perl w/ persistent
>  db connections, transaction management, data relational modeling/objects and
>  a nice templating/servlet engine is very glamorous! you could be a folk hero!

Well, while I'd like to masses to speak my name in legend and song, I've
also got a lot on my plate ;)

Seriously, I'm less interested in a unified package (I think Brian is
working on that) than an intelligent system for doing configuration of

For example, for one project I'm working on, I've had to do a fair amount
of work to get it to try to find an existing mod_perl enabled Apache
server and then to check whether or not the server is the right version of
Apache and mod_perl.

This kind of work would probably be useful in a more generic form.  Some
of this work is already in the Apache::test module, which can analyze a
server and its configuration and find some useful info.  Enhancing this
module to really be able to give a lot of details about an existing
install would be very useful.

This would certainly be handy for the all in one system you describe
(which is what Brian's aiming at for AO, if I'm not mistaken) but also for
any other large mod_perl using app.

Similarly, a mechanism for packaging tests to be done against a database
would be useful (something I've worked on for Alzabo).

Like I said, I really need to examine cons and see if it can help with all
this.  The problem being that most people don't have cons installed
(although it can always be included in a package).


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