On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> I quite like the Zope model - a single distribution
> which just includes and installs everything you need in
> a single place. You get python, the httpd, the database,
> everything. Of course if you have more complex needs,
> like running Zope from within Apache, you need to do
> some extra work, but out of the boz Zope gives you a
> great system that just runs. We could do that with AxKit
> - just ship it with Apache, mod_perl, the whole lot. But
> I don't think that would appeal to Perl people somehow.
> Thoughts?

this is how we ship our products internally at cpth. we
build perl, apache, 100 or so modules, and ~150 registry
scripts. then we rpm the whole thing up. the operations team
just has to:

  rpm -i && /usr/local/webmail/current/bin/wmctl start.

doing something like that doesn't play nice with the os
vendor distributions really, but some people might like it.

another option would be to use autoconf. wrap a configure
script around your entire set of components. allow it to
find and use whichever ones you've already got installed.
have it build and install whatever you don't already have.
not very tough. also not very portable to windows.

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