Nick Tonkin wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>Antoine Quint wrote:
>> >>   If you[1] don't like the way the site is now,
>> >>   don't bitch about it but change it completing the challenge.
>> >
>> > Well, I'd be up to having a crack at it... Would you be ok publishing
>> > the site with AxKit? Coding websites with it is so easy!
>>Antoine, reread my original post. We are talking about suggesting a
>>*design*, not how the site should be published ;)
> Well, he offered to design it, using the tools he knows how to use
> best. Since you are asking for people to give of their time and skills,
> perhaps you should be less imperious about _how_ you want it
> done. Perhaps you should be less imperious in general. Your
> "challenge" came off to me as imperious enough that I wasn't interested in
> offering to help, anyways. For God's sake, you made it seem like not only
> had all the decisions been made already (by you), but that if I didn't use
> the right subject line format for my contributions, I might as well not
> bother!
> Remember that while you have been lucky enough to get a nice paycheck for
> jam_ph-ing, the folks whose expertise you are trying to solicit will be
> volunteering their time and work. Be nice! Lately your postings here seem
> to be preponderantly of a critical tone, more concerned with taking people
> to task for not using [OT] in their subject line, or whatever, than with
> providing assistance and support to those who are seeking it, as you used
> to do so well.
> No one doubts your commitment to mod_perl, or your hard -- and unpaid
> -- work on the guide and many other things. But if you want to be a leader
> who inspires people to collaborate and work as a team under your
> direction, you'd do well to work on bringing your people skills up to par
> with your technical skills, IMHO.

Instead of starting to critisize without figuring out the reasoning for 
things being the way they are you could better nicely ask why I've 
imposed the rules and restrictions. So let's say that you didn't post 
this negative reply but in fact asked me why? Here are my answers:

- *I* made the decisions because nobody cares to do anything about the 
site (other than Nat who actually did ;). Everybody cares to send 
"helpful" comments, but no real help.

- *I* have spent the last 3-4 weeks writing the code that will generate 
the site and documentation and revamping the site, instead of doing a 
much more challenging mod_perl 2.0 coding.

- *I*'m thinking about how to make the site and documentation easily 
manageable because currently no one else has suggested to help me out 
and I've no choice but to decide which templates to use and how to build 
the site.

- You are talking about *me* soliciting other people's time? If I was a 
designer I won't ask for it, but I'm not. The whole thing is based on 
volunteering and many people are willing to help but don't know how. I 
don't understand what's wrong with helping folks to figure out how to help.

Once people join my efforts this *I* will gladly become *we*. I'm 
looking forward to it.

You are talking about me being less active at the users list? That's 
true, but remember this is a volunteer effort. My effort just goes into 
new things. Have you seen all the documentation I'm working on for 
mod_perl 2.0? When 2.0 comes out when *you* will not have to ask
questions, the answers will be in TFM already.

As for less questions getting answered on the list, why don't *you* step 
forward and help Perrin and other folks who are doing a great job?

The open source movement goes like this: learn, code, share, learn, 
code, share. I'm in the learn and code mod_perl 2.0 stages now, so I can 
share when the time comes.

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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