At 10:44 am -0800 14/11/01, Nick Tonkin wrote:
>No one doubts your commitment to mod_perl, or your hard -- and unpaid
>-- work on the guide and many other things. But if you want to be a leader
>who inspires people to collaborate and work as a team under your
>direction, you'd do well to work on bringing your people skills up to par
>with your technical skills, IMHO.

uh oh.
having just read this:

I'm feeling rather nervous about silly insults directed at the 
leaders of open-source projects on which my livelihood depends. 
brickbats are the price of celebrity,i suppose, but i really don't 
think this one is justified at all.



ps. i found the [challenge] quite persuasive, and the restrictions 
just a clear and sensible brief. but then i'm shallow and seek glory.

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