Robin Berjon wrote:

> On Wednesday 14 November 2001 16:55, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>Robin Berjon wrote:
>>>On Wednesday 14 November 2001 03:27, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>>>>Maybe we should give the horse a chance to catch up to the cart...
>>>>Once there is a design that people are satisfied with, you are more than
>>>>welcome to submit patches to fix validation problems.
>>>Agreed, but it's far easier to start cleanly. Fixing "designer-code" can
>>>be insanely hard and time consuming. "Be strict in what you..." and all
>>May be I was not clear. You can change whatever you want in the
>>templates. There is no design at this moment! Scratch what you see and
>>make a new one.
> Stas, maybe it's me that wasn't clear :-) When I said "designer-code", I 
> didn't mean _your_ code, I meant something that someone would submit that 
> wouldn't be clean (X)HTML.
>>In any case if you look at the templates, they are bare bones. So it
>>shouldn't be time consuming and of course it's not insanely hard. I
>>think you didn't look at the source before saying what you've said.
> I didn't say that ! I was answering (what I understood from) Perrin's email 
> that said that maybe people should submit their design in whatever form they 
> want (ie with whatever degree of code cleanliness) and once we have a good 
> design we can clean that up. I'm not against that approach, but I think it's 
> easier to have clean code to start with (again, in the submissions made to 
> the contest, I wasn't referring to your code _at_all_).
> You want the templates to be editable in a text editor, and I think that's a 
> very good requirement. Clean code to start with will make that a lot easier. 
> Also, this is not the web of '95 anymore. Gradually, HTML is having a chance 
> of becoming less of a dirty word. I'm suggesting we do our small part in 
> helping progress.

Oh, OK, so we think the same way. I think what Perrin was trying to say 
is that we should stop talking and get things moving. Once we decide on 
the best design, others can send patches to make sure that the design is 
valid, etc.

All three of us are saying the same:

   If you[1] don't like the way the site is now,
   don't bitch about it but change it completing the challenge.

I think I've prepared a good infrastructure for accomplishing this goal. 
  it's not perfect but it's a good start. Now just throw in your talent 
and create this very cool-slick-eye-candy site, as long as you adher to 
the rules I've listed in the original challenge.

[1] you == all those who care, have a little time on their hands, and 

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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