John Kolvereid wrote:
> Hi Stas,
>    I did peruse the SUPPORT file.  As far as I can
> tell I have tried everything there.  Honestly, I have
> no idea what to try next.  The configuration problem
> seems to have stopped me dead in my tracks for using
> mod_perl.  Meanwhile, I am resorting to plain
> CGI-perl. At least that has always worked for me.
>   As always, I would appreciate any more help I can
> get.  Thanks.
> --- Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>John Kolvereid wrote:
>>>Hi Per,
>>>--- Per Einar Ellefsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>At 00:47 25.03.2002, John Kolvereid wrote:
>>>>>Hi Per,
>>>>>  I get the msg:
>>>>>     'The document contained no data'
>>>>>when I try to load my home.html from my server
>>>>>my browser.  When I comment out the AddModule
>>>>>then my home page appears.
>>>>Check your error log. It might have interesting
>>>>information in it.
>>>  When I get this msg the error log has the msg:
>>>  [notice] child pid # exit signal Segmentation
>>>       (11)
>>See the SUPPORT file in the mod_perl source distro
>>to figure out what to 
>>do next.

Arh, I mean to use the hints how to get the core dump backtrace.
I see that your env doesn't let coredumps, make it dump core files
and then get the backtrace and post it here. the SUPPORT file
explains how to do that.

See this post on how to get the core file dumped, when you get a segfault:

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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