At 00:47 25.03.2002, John Kolvereid wrote:
>Hi Per,
>    I get the msg:
>       'The document contained no data'
>when I try to load my home.html from my server using
>my browser.  When I comment out the AddModule
>then my home page appears.

Check your error log. It might have interesting information in it.

>    I am including my httpd for any advise:
>relevant portions of httpd.conf
><IfDefine SSL>
>LoadModule ssl_module         libexec/
>LoadModule php4_module        libexec/
>LoadModule webapp_module      libexec/
>LoadModule perl_module        libexec/

Lots of modules you're loading there. I've heard problems with combining 
PHP and mod_perl before, I don't know if it's fixed now, but maybe you 
should try with only mod_perl loaded to see if that fixes your problem: if 
it does, it's not mod_perl's fault.

><Ifmodule mod_perl.c>
>   Include conf/mod_perl.conf
>#AddModule mod_perl.c

Maybe this should go before the <Ifmodule> directive.. I'm not sure if 
it'll change anything.


?? I think you either forgot to copy something off there or but .pl instead 
of .conf....?

>PerlFreshRestart On
><Location /hello/world>
>   SetHandler  perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::Hello

You need PerlModule Apache::Hello before PerlHandler Apache::Hello, 
otherwise Apache::Hello doesn't get loaded.

>Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/perl/
>PerlModule Apache::Registry
><Location /perl>
>   SetHandler  perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>   PerlSendHeader On
>   Options ExecCGI

This looks good.

>print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
>print <<END;
>Also, when I try to load the page /odin/perl/
>(/odin is my server) the page displays as text only,
>not as an html page.

I don't understand what you mean by /odin... You mean you're typing 
http://odin/perl/... in your browser, or something?

Maybe you should check your error log, if something's wrong it might have 
an indication.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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