On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> John Siracusa wrote:
> > But in a full-fledged mod_perl solution, I could back out gracefully and
> > retry another server if I happened to initially choose a dead server before
> > my dead server detection code caught it.
> That sounds cool, but how important is it really?  I'm not sure any of 
> these solutions (including the commercial ones) do that level of 
> seamless failover effectively.

True, I think. They just keep a table of live and dead servers, but a
request can often get assigned to a dead server before the table is

In practise this wasn't a problem for us. far more imprtant is that the
'sticky' feature work consistently, so that -- barring a server dying --
clicks-through go to where the impression data are stored (or whatever :)

- nick

Nick Tonkin   {|8^)>

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