Hi John --

> But meanwhile, we're still open to alternatives.  
> Surprisingly, there don't seem to be many (software) options. 
>  (A hardware load balancer is not an option at his time, but 
> I'll also take any suggestions in that area :)

Why is hardware not an option?  Cost?  If so, I'd take a look at the
system Nick recommended -- the Coyote Point Equalizer:


A few years ago I bought their "E-250".  It cost about $3,200, which was
nothing compared to the other solutions out there at the time.  This
load balancing system (LBS) was for a corporate intranet with a user
base of 50k to 60k users, with the expectation that it would be capable
of handling a third of the total user base at any time.

The CPE-250 handled the job with ease.  We initially rolled out with
four separate "Web Application Server" machines ("LAMP" architecture),
and a procedure to allow us to add additional machines in four hours, if
need be.

The system has been in production for about two years.  In that time we
have had individual servers crash, but the intranet has had less than 15
minutes of downtime since we implemented the CPE.

Regarding software solutions, mod_perl or otherwise:  I initially looked
at this, and ultimately rejected it as an option.  No robust systems had
emerged at the time.  Based on a cost/performance comparison against the
CP product I calculated it would cost far more than $3,200 to roll our
own system which would provide the configurability, ease of use and
reliability of the available hardware solution. 

FWIW, the "Equalizer" is implemented as a rack-mountable BSD machine
running custom software.  The software implements load-balancing via
dynamic port-forwarding (*NOT* an HTTP proxy), so it is capable of
forwarding any TCP service (SMTP, database, etc.).  The GUI is
web-based, very easy to use, and includes graphical reporting of
activity.  Load balancing can be configured to be purely round-robin,
but the CPE features a very effective dynamic adaptive load balancing
system based on server response time which is very effective.

It has been a couple years since I talked to Coyote Point about their
product.  I would check to see if it is still cost-competitive.




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

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