On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Patrick Galbraith wrote:

> I've been working at Classmates.com for a couple months contracting, and
> they use Text::Forge.
> I've been impressed by the performance, and wish it was a big player.
> Part of the reason it isn't is guys like me should contribute to it and
> make it a bigger player.

I'd say the big reason it's not a big player is that it doesn't offer
anything new.  It also doesn't seem to be very actively developed and has
very little documentation.

> I really like the syntax - it looks a lot like JSP.

Yeah, just like Apache::ASP ;)

> All of this said, what is the most commonly used system out there?

The biggest players are Mason and Template Toolkit, judging from "big
companies" that have used them, as well as job posting.  HTML::Template,
Embperl, and Apache::ASP all seem to have reasonably active user bases as


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