Jean-Sebastien Guay wrote:

I just checked, and when the Apache crash occurs, nothing gets written
to access_log. It would seem that the crash happens before the request
is logged.

That's possible, but at least you can see that it's not IE that generates some followup request that causes the crash, but the original one.

Now you need to get the crash backtrace. You probably need to start the server under debugger and get the backtrace from there. (don't ask me how to do that on win32 ;)

b) why my warnings don't show up in the error_log.

I just moved my mod_perl config from httpd.conf to another file,
mod_perl.conf, and Include that in httpd.conf. (I did that so that I
don't have to comment the whole section for mod_perl when I want to
deactivate it, I just have to comment the Include line).

Now, magically, the warnings and the Apache::Reload debug messages show
up in my error_log! The only other thing I changed between now and
before is that I added the "PerlSwitches -Id:/htdocs" directive. But
that should have no influence on whether warnings are written to the
error_log or not...

What's happening? Is my whole Apache setup whacked? Maybe I should
reinstall Apache and mod_perl?

I can't tell, may be you have cleaned up some things on the way. e.g. you could do something that would cause the logs to be written into a different log file.

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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