
I just checked, and when the Apache crash occurs, nothing gets written
to access_log. It would seem that the crash happens before the request
is logged.


> b) why my warnings don't show up in the error_log.

I just moved my mod_perl config from httpd.conf to another file,
mod_perl.conf, and Include that in httpd.conf. (I did that so that I
don't have to comment the whole section for mod_perl when I want to
deactivate it, I just have to comment the Include line).

Now, magically, the warnings and the Apache::Reload debug messages show
up in my error_log! The only other thing I changed between now and
before is that I added the "PerlSwitches -Id:/htdocs" directive. But
that should have no influence on whether warnings are written to the
error_log or not...

What's happening? Is my whole Apache setup whacked? Maybe I should
reinstall Apache and mod_perl?


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