I can't help you with those things without being able to reproduce the problem :(

but see below regarding the reload confusion.

# Add the top-level directory for the modules into the module search
use lib qw($ENV{SCRIPT_ROOT});

Apache::Reload didn't seem to want to reload my modules.

because it probably couldn't find them.

I had followed the instructions you stated before, and you can even see
my "use libs" in the startup.pl I included above. Let's say
$ENV{SCRIPT_ROOT} (as set in my httpd.conf with a PerlSetEnv) is set to
"d:/htdocs", that means that a module being use()d as Hybride::Blah
would be found at d:/htdocs/Hybride/Blah.pm right? So Apache::Reload
should find it at the same place, since the "use libs" is in the startup

But Apache::Reload still does not reload my modules... And as I said,
"ReloadDebug On" didn't even tell me if it was trying to reload them.
Nothing in my error_log, same as with the warnings.

No, that won't work, unless you set SCRIPT_ROOT env var in your shell.
PerlSetEnv has an effect only during a request time. You want it during the startup time.

You can dump the value of @INC, so see that d:/htdocs is not there (at the server startup).

One of the following will work.

PerlSwitches -Id:/htdocs


PerlSwitches -Mlib=d:/htdocs

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org http://ticketmaster.com

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