Hi Andrea,

To a certain extent, I also think that it is good to be able to *feel*
value, forgetting a rational approach to value. Actually, in the
"awareness" thread I've suggested that awareness can also be a weight
or,  at least, it seems it is not completely necessary to follow DQ
 was the Brujo *aware* of the outcomes?)

But then I'd say your conclusions sound a little  problematic to me:

> But doing the good thing never needs
> collection of resources, because the good
> thing is, by definition, the one that you can
> do here and now.

So I guess you are going to spend here and now all your money? No, it
does not work. I'll try to find a solution:

> Quality cannot be concerned with outcomes. On one hand, this is
> from a logical standpoint (if A is good because it brings B, then it
> B that's good).

Your logic works (just let me say  that it's funny you tell we must
forget a rational approach, and then use logic...  ).


a) "A brings B" is not exactly MOQ-compatible.
b) Anyway neither  A nor B are good. Good is the A-to-B process.

> In the MOQ, on the other hand, the good is
> immediately good here and now irrespective of everything else (future
> and outcomes included).

This sentence supposes the existence of a past and a future... while IMO
the MOQ states the coincidence of past, present and future in a *ever
present event*.. so the outcome is NOW, as well as the past. So it's not
a contradiction IMO to (try to) forecast the outcomes when searching for
Quality. Here is IMO the solution. Don't you think it works better?


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