Marco - I don't mind if you're hard on us mystics, I'd just 
appreciate it if you got our viewpoint right.

Marco wrote: > The mystic believes that "there is *no* future, ie, 
that the concept of future is illusory".  So he prays for the
The children will not be saved.....     :-(

Maybe there are some mystics that feel that way, but most of the 
"mystics" I know don't.  I believe that our beliefs and thoughts are 
crucial to the solution, but that they are paired with human work 
as well.  I don't think you'll find anything in mystic teachings that

state that mystics believe what you imply.

mystically yours


David Lind

marco wrote:

> Hi Andrea 
> here is my reading of the story you suggest: 
> > A very good but poor man spends his life to collect a large 
> > of money, and then with the money he funds a children 
hospital in Africa....
> Given that we all agree that it is good to save childrens... 
> The SOMish follows the "linear reasoning (past-present-future 
sequence, cause-effect chains,  and so on)" . According to this 
vision, he has to learn to forecast the future and the cause-effect 
chains. ONLY a posteriori he will know if his acts are good. No 
need for a direct involvement: once the cause-effect chain is 
clear, everyone will be able to achieve the goal. The active 
subject (the man who has to save the children) , and the passive 
object (the children to be saved) are separated.  If the goal will 
not be attained, probably that's because there has been a 
problem in the analysis of the cause-effect chain.    :-|
> The mystic believes that "there is *no* future, ie, that the 
concept of future is illusory".  So he prays for the children. The 
children will not be saved.....     :-(
> The MOQish is NOT mystic. He does not think that the future is 
illusion, he just think that in order to attain (a future) Quality,
has to be an artist in the present (remember the motorcycle 
maintenance). His "goal" is neither the hospital, nor the money.  
The GOOD is his goal, and, that's extremely important,  he never 
feels to be separated from his goal. So, those children are like 
his kids.   The very good immediate value is that he has to care 
for children, HERE and NOW. He highly considers  money 
collection,  building hospitals as  possible good means (roads 
to), well knowing that there's always a better road. Anyway, he 
will be able to make them  fruitful BOTH the dynamic immediate 
perception of Quality that leads to creativity,  AND the aware 
ability to forecast and consolidate results, that leads to the static

latch.  BOTH DYNAMIC AND STATIC.     :-)
> sorry if I've been a little hard to the mystics....
> Marco.
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