I struggle with  the word "balance."  What is balanced about teaching a whole 
class of learners?  Some need this and some need that and some need something 
else.  Each child is different and deserves to have reading instruction 
tailored to his/her need at that specific point in time.  I do this in K/1 by 
running reading and writing workshops and spending a lot of time sitting next 
to a child, figuring out how that child makes sense of a particular text.  I 
have found this approach so much more valuable than  balancing my instructional 
time between the big 5.  And I can address all of the reading components in 
that one little sitting.  What better place to connect the components of 
reading than while sitting next to a child in the act of reading or writing.  

I think a lot of problems are born when teachers fail to know their children 
well.  This means knowing what the child is able to do and understand and 
knowing what the next best step is to move that child further. Many problems 
occur when the steps are made for giants.

----- Original Message ----
To: mosaic@literacyworkshop.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 11:35:42 AM
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] phonemic awareness/segmentation help wanted

How much 
meaning is there in DIBELS assessments that require students to bark 
out nonsense syllables in record time? 

Above is one of the perfect examples of the imbalance...
I guess my point has been misinterpreted. I am agreeing with others, to balance 
all components of reading we do need to connect one to another. We should never 
get so focused on one, that we leave another behind. I don't think any can of 
worms has been opened here, I think the discussion is great. I think balance is 
something many struggle with and discussing how we try to keep that balance and 
keep meaning as the targeted goal is a perfect discussion for this group. 
Enjoying the dialogue,

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