On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 23:39:10 -0000, Mathew Hendry wrote:

>BTW, the Linux distribution I have (Mandrake 6.x) uses pgcc (a
>Pentium-specific branch of gcc) as its default compiler. Gives a noticable
>speed improvement for LAME, and I haven't noticed any glitches with it.
>Since pgcc was apparently used to build the entire Mandrake distribution, I
>guess it's a pretty stable compiler now...

I as well use pgcc (version 2.95.2) here on OS/2 with no noticable
side-effects. Though when I tried compiling with -march=pentiumpro it
generated MP3's with strange noises. -march=pentium produces normal mp3's
though. So I guess it's not perfect :)


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