> > oh one stupid suggestion for the stand alone executable : it could be a good
> > idea to allow "| more" or "/page" or "> file.asc" to see the command help,
> > now it "goes away" without seein the beginning of it

>Learn your shell; the output is going to stderr, not stdout.  You're only
>redirecting stdout. (If/when telling LAME to send it's output to stdout,
>you'd then collide with the usage outout and never see it).

I know my shell, it cant handle that, so i suggested to modify lame on win32based
system. btw i suggested it to see the command help so when no params are passed

> Simply use a better Computer or at least install an Operating System on your
> Inhell-Device.

Wow what a f**kin useful remark !! so stop compiling lame for windows if u think it's 

i gave my 2 cents, my world wont change if no one modify this, i have still my eyes
to look at the commandline reference, but it could be an aid for future users.


      Cavallo de Cavallis  
=   http://www.s0ftpj.org     =
=  Digital Security for y2k   =

"Knowledge chases me, but i'm faster"
"La Sapienza mi insegue, ma io sono piu' veloce"
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