> I've thought about this also, and I guess it could be done without extra
> hardware by using the Music Module and the MIDI-port of your soundcard. I've
> hooked op 2 MSX's using the MIDI port of the MusicModule and managed to
> transfer data from one to the other computer. However, some data got lost...
> Anyone more ideas?

Kari Lammassaari was also makeing some kind of utility to transfer files
between MSX and PC by using MSX's joystick port and PC's paraller port.
This is easy way, because it does not need any hardware exept correct
cable, that should be easy to make.

We talked about this about half year ago, and at that moment he had some
probbles in timeing. He said, that about 1bit in every 5Mb file was
allways broken (same probblem ???). Anyway I also heard rumours, that this
probblem does not exist anymore... I don't know...

                   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
                 / .::::::::::::::::::::::;::;  ::::.,
                / :::.:.:.:::____________:::::!.  -=- `,
                       NYYRIKKI : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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