-----Original Message-----
From: Stefano Fronteddu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've thought about this also, and I guess it could be done without extra
hardware by using the Music Module and the MIDI-port of your soundcard. I've
hooked op 2 MSX's using the MIDI port of the MusicModule and managed to
transfer data from one to the other computer. However, some data got lost...
I have to say it was a fast experiment, using KUN-basic. So, I guess it
could be made more reliable.
Also, I've heard of making a RS232 interface from the joystick-port with
just a few extra hardware. Unfortunatly, I've no more info on this...
Perhaps it's possible to use the joystickport as MIDI interface (I've read
something more about this, it could be done. But guess: no more info on this
one too..)

Anyone more ideas?


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