On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Tambet Matiisen wrote:

>  This network adapter was not a regular cartridge. It was connected
> (with screws) to a special slot of Yamaha YIS-???. Module had two 5-pin

They were Yamaha YIS503III, as i remember.

> connectors (like cassette connector). All computers were connected

Connectors were more like standard pc keyboard connector.

> The module had its own ROM and CALL-commands (CALL NETINIT, CALL NETEND,
> CALL SEND, CALL RECEIVE, etc.). Teacher could send BASIC programs,

Those commands were also aviable to program using special bios.

> binary files and even VRAM contents to other computers, while these were
> in BASIC. Student computers could not send files, until teacher enabled
> them to do so (CALL ENACOM, CALL DISCOM). CALL NETEND disconnected from

Thanks Tambet for remaining me that i have more specific document about 
those netbios calls (written in cyrrillic): 

> seemed to me, that the network operated like bus - every computer could
> see the information sent by other computers. Even more - the
> student/teacher setting was only for ROM, actually all computers in the
> network were equal.

I remember that it was not so simple. Only student computers were equal. 
They have the same bios, but teacher's computer (id:0) can set all 
properties for other computers (id: 1-15).
For starting any network session, teacher's computer send a special 
command for computer (or group of computer) to start listen. Then 
teacher's machine start sending data. Another way, when student want to 
send his data to host computer (id:0) he simply waits for his time (host 
must start listen from network, but this could be set only from main 
console) to start sending data.

>   Tambet (from Estonia, former Soviet Union republic)

Kristian (from Estonia too)

P.S. Sorry about my bad english.
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