At 18:17 13/07/98 +0200, you wrote:
>I've thought about this also, and I guess it could be done without extra
>hardware by using the Music Module and the MIDI-port of your soundcard. I've
>hooked op 2 MSX's using the MIDI port of the MusicModule and managed to
>transfer data from one to the other computer. However, some data got lost...
>I have to say it was a fast experiment, using KUN-basic. So, I guess it
>could be made more reliable.

        Well, it sounds very nice! But you should have developed a quick-and-dirty
'protocol'... =)
        Here in Brazil we have connected 2 MSXs by the joystick port, only to play
F-16 (ASCII) and F-1 Spirit 3D Special (Konami). And it worked!

>Also, I've heard of making a RS232 interface from the joystick-port with
>just a few extra hardware. Unfortunatly, I've no more info on this...
>Perhaps it's possible to use the joystickport as MIDI interface (I've read
>something more about this, it could be done. But guess: no more info on this
>one too..)

        The Japanese from G-Net have done a RS-232 interface using the joystick
port. It's called Acrobat. More info at


          Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro      (\__/)      Star Trek, X-Files,
        M. Sc in Numerical Modelling     (..)   _)  Comics, MSX, Anime,
      Universidade Federal Fluminense    /\/\  (    Gospel & Christian
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