2007/12/3, Philipp Wolfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Dec 3, 2007 4:19 PM, Olivier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So that third way means I'm left with a half-done job, half-backed
> > releases, no data consistency - which will probably disastisfy
> > everybody (specially me :-)).
> Why no data consistency? I don't understand how identical ARs on two
> identical tracks can be inconsistent.

I'll try to formulate clearer:

- track A is performed by Doe (set)
- track A is composed by Doe (set)

Case 1:
- track A is the earliest release of track B1
- no AR set on track B1

=> no data on B1

Case 2:
- track A is the earliest release of track B2
- track B2 is performed by Doe

=> partial data on B2

Case 3:
- track A is the earliest release of track B3
- track B3 is performed by Doe
- track B3 is composed by Doe (set)

=> all data on B3

We have three later releases of track A, but inconsistent data.

What to do?

> I understand that plan A is really impractical. We should instead aim
> for getting the ARs for the original releases correct. It's surely Ok
> to just remove wrong ARs from later releases.


> But I still don't see
> the reason for removing correct ARs.

Having consistent data accross a subset of the database (see the
examples above).

> If I spent some time adding all
> ARs to a later release I surely don't want them removed.

Well... I can understand that certainly, work has to be respected, but
really the fact some work has been done in one way on something
doesn't mean we can't have our practice/dataset evolve.
And again, I'm obviously speaking about a border case, concerning a
handful of editors, for a very small subset of the database.

> My suggestions are:
> * Normally we can just ese plan B when adding ARs


> * Don't touch existing (correct) ARs

Mmmm, what if I added the AR myself, and now regret I did (in regard
of your previous point)? Does it give me the right to remove it? :-)

- Olivier

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