lol.  how "industrial strength" does this website need to be?
if it's anything less than an online banking/creditcard processing site,
you'll probably be okay.
i know go2net, xoom, and realnetworks (among other large sites) all use
mysql. admittedly, they also use oracle or db2 in the mix as well, but
mysql's in there.
i might agree that it "lacks enterprise management functionality", but that
depends on what that extremely vague term means...
to refute a few more points:
mysql support can be purchased, with the advantage that you can influence
the future development of the software by paying mysql ab...something that
you'll never get from oracle.
functionality-wise, mysql is missing (as a previous post this week noted)
triggers, stored procedures and referential integrity constraints although
row or at least page-level locking is implemented in some of the newer table
types (innoDB +), as well as replication between a master and slave db.

oops. wait...missed this part:
"The fact that it is unsupported freeware would mean that an end user would
potentially be "held to ransom" by a DBA with specific knowledge. The mySQL
security model is also not sufficiently developed for any system that
involves money. "
i guess this is a system that involves money.

while i agree that i wouldn't use mysql for _any_ app storing financial
info, it's amusing that the quoted individual says mysql would invite a
situation where the end user is "held ransom to" a DBA...if this is not the
case with oracle, i don't know what is, except oracle involves huge license
fees and higher-paid DBA with even more specific knowledge.
that being said, and without knowing more details about the planned website,
i'm leaning towards agreeing with person you quoted (personal opinion only!)
one important thing to note is that it is not necessary, as many large
websites have shown, to use oracle/db2/sybase _exclusively_...i have no
doubt that mysql can handle at least some of the tasks necessary in a
web-based system, the question of where it fits in and whether it's worth
integrating is up to you guys.
a page with _a lot_ of interesting comments from both sides of the
commercial-RDBMS vs. mysql-postgres is here:


-----Original Message-----
From: Boget, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: Downsides of MySQL?

Good morning.
Recently, we presented MySQL as a database option for a website that
we might be working on.  We've used it as our database in the past and
we plan on using it in the future as possible.
With that said, I confess I don't have as intimate a knowledge of mySQL
to address some of the things in the email that was sent to me.  I'd like
to hear what some of you have to say/think about this.  I know some
of the things said below aren't entirely correct, but I'm not 100% sure
about some of the others.

--Begin Quote--

MySQL - as I said at our meeting, we would not be comfortable with this
as an enterprise strength solution. MySQL is unsupported freeware and
lacks enterprise management functionality. It has a small limited feature
set compared to ORACLE, DB/2 and is lacking the functionality to support
data replication and has little capability for generating management info.
There are question marks around the scalability of the product, I'm not
sure of the locking algorithms used (whether row level or record level) -
fact that it is not generally used in multi-user solutions is a good enough
indication that this is not accepted database technology for
multi-user systems.
The fact that it is unsupported freeware would mean that an end user would
potentially be "held to ransom" by a DBA with specific knowledge. The mySQL
security model is also not sufficiently developed for any system that
I would not be prepared to sign-off any solution containing mySQL.

--End Quote--

I'd love to get your input.

Thank you for your time and your knowledge.


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