On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 09:48:30AM -0500, Martin Hannigan wrote:
> The lightning talk expansion is great. The format is "ok". I think
> that we should expand the time for lightning talks to include a 10
> minute Q/A period at the end of the period instead of trying to cram
> questions into the end of the 10 minute time slot. We could take
> questions for all of the talks at the end period. I received questions
> about my talk in the hallways that the entire group did not get the
> benefit of (or the boredom in listening to) the answers.

Your talk was more than detailed and interesting enough to belong in the 
general session. Lightning talks shouldn't be used as an alternative to 
real presentations, or you suffer the consequences you mentioned above. 
Next time submit it for the general session, I for one would have voted 
for it.

> We might also want to invest in a timer that moves from green/yellow/red 
> based on the alloted time. I noticed that some people were held to a 
> rock solid standard, others weren't. It's distracting when the speaker 
> gets verbal time warnings(not anyones fault, it just is). Time ticks are 
> needed, but there's a better way to do it, methinks.

Wholeheartedly agreed. Even a $5 alarm clock with a big LCD on the stage 
would be an major improvement, it's difficult to tell how you're doing for 
time or if you should speed things up or slow things down when you're in 
the middle of a presentation.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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