I'd like to see some mechanism how to control or filter-out what output is
logged from tasks. There are several verbosity levels etc, but there are
cases when nothing helps.

Example: Recently I came around <exec> where I executed tool which wrote
bunch of messages to stderr. Nant copy all stderr messages to its logger and
there is no mechanism how to control this. In this particular case, one
message it outputs is expected and not wanted to be logged.

But its not just an <exec> issue, should cover all tasks.

Logging is not much of issue when running from console, one just ignores
some text. But its quite of an issue, when be part of nightly builds (or
other Continuous Integration setups). Not only the logs are getting bigger
(grows several MB per build in mine case) but it can even trigger other
problems, since the nant output is further processed (usually through xml

Perhaps something like filterchains <copy> and <move> tasks have? Or even
something pretty basic can help (e.g. setting verbosity level for each task

Martin Aliger

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