Hi Ryan,

+1 for github.

And we should define/discus a contribution process to ensure that nant 
core will stay as stable as it is currently.

Other proposals:
- Color output. Red for errors, yellow for warning and green for 
sucessfull build. I added this to my own net_2.0 build and I'm addicted 
to this easily identifying Green successfull build message.

- solution task/msbuild polishing since there still issues with our 

- move CVS to nantcontrib
- integrate git
- polish svn
- add tfs (see ci-factory)

lower priority:
- review nant.exe.config: maybe separate net-x and mono-x definitions
   or one for each target. It is very large and hardly to maintain.

- fix/polish commandline handling:
   - remove anoying ":" as separator, this prevents you from using tab
     completion in cmd window (even WiX did this with 3.5 release)
   - add double dash as parameter prefix (as used at gnu tools) at least
     for --help and --version

Check other ci-factory tasks to add them to nantcontrib.

Hint: I found macrodef at ci-factory:

It was getting longer and longer.
So far Dominik

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