> I am a home user....
> The only really big problem with the home user and linux is advertisement...
> remember "Where do you want to go today?" The first time you saw it was
> probably on tv. When was the last time you have seen a linux commercial?  I
> never have... Linux doesn't get the advertisement it needs to draw people in
> because it is a free os, That means no advertisement $$ to get people
> interested,. It is more of a stumble upon it or see it for free and try
> it... If it did have more people involved there would be alot more toys and
> programs for it also, Installation of hardware would be easier because more
> people would get on hardware makers cases about drivers and easy of use....
> This is only my opinion... But i feel linux is the next generation of mass
> os evolution.

I think the best advertising is unpaid.  People who use Linux and are
excited about it have the option of "advertising" it on their site by
talking about it, offering support for it, providing snazzy screenshots
and tips, writing anecdotes, and being just plain enthusiastic (and also
providing some good links).  It would be really nice if a strong net of
Linux advertising developed on the Internet.  Maybe some nice rich dude
(NOT thinking of Bill!) will contribute some cash that can be used for
paid banner ads, magazine spots, or even TV time.

Then again, I often feel that TV ads cheapen a product...  I'd HATE to
see a cheesy Linux ad on TV.

Andy Goth     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      zap.to/andygoth     ICQ: 35256413
"Success is a disease; it can make smart people think they can't lose."
                                -- Bill Gates, on why IBM is going down
                                 (as seen in Pirates of Silicon Valley)
"Down with big brother!"                               -- George Orwell

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