On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 20:09, greg wrote:
> O.K. ALL
> some good developments here.
Excellent! Just what I like to hear :)

> I have set up my modem to a static setup.  This obviously meant that my
> windows xp and red hat systems would not connect to the internet after
> setting it.  This was o.k., all I did was go in, change the settings
> from dhcp assigning, to a static address.  This gave me a chance to
> check the details that I have been giving mandrake to access the
> internet.  In both wind/rh an ip of, gateway of and
> dns of, with the netmask set to, got them working
> again no problems.
> Now, in Mandrake, I set up the system with static as well.  Setting all
> the details as above, it now activates the eth0 device normally at
> boot.  This means it was only failing before due to the dhcp allocation
> failing, not the device itself.  So now eth0 is up when I boot into
> mandrake.  BUT, it still didn't connect to the net.  I re-ran the
> wizard, and re-set the details again, and it connected!  It was
> accessing web sites no worries, and I received a couple of emails as
> well.  I re-booted the computer, and tried to access again.  It didn't
> connect, so I ran the wizard again, and again it connected o.k.  On the
> third re-boot, the same happened, and I re-ran the wizard, but this
> time, and all attempts thereafter, it just won't connect to the net at
> all again. 
> So what is happening here?  I now know everything is correct in regards
> to details, the eth0 device is coming up o.k., and windows and red hat
> work o.k. with the static settings.  Mandrake definately has a bug in it
> somewhere.  
You have a triple boot system here right? Only one nic? With one
address? Otherwise, it sounds a bit like an IP address conflict. If not,
we need to look at the config files...

> Forgetting about the wizard, as I think it is buggered, where can I
> manually set all the details in the appropriate config files for
> networking and internet.  If I new exactly the initialisation process of
> mandrake, I could just go in and set it myself, and hopefully this would
> work.  Surprising that it actually connected two times, and now it won't
> at all, hey!!  At least I know I am nearer to the solution than I was
> this morning, thanks to you guys.
Can you please post /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and

> Joeb, you mentioned the other day something about you having an idea
> what may be the problem.  Something about modifying the net.conf file to
> remove the GATEWAY= line, and possibly something else.  Did you have a
> chance to follow up on this by any chance mate?
In your case, Greg, you need the GATEWAY= line, as your Mandrake box is
not the gateway, the router is. You need to tell Mandrake where to send
all packets addressed to unknown destinations (to the default gateway).

Getting close...

Kind regards,


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