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John Richard Smith wrote:

> Well I think I've got that now.
> short thunk = power off
> long thunggg = power off + degauss


thunk = relay
thunggg = degauss coil

thunk is relay turning on or off.

thunggg is degaussing when power is first applied and should only occur when
power is first applied and it should follow thunk when relay turns power on.

when power turns off, there should be no thunggg because there is no power
to energize degaussing coil.

> I'm not sure what you mean by screen out.

disable all 'ss', 'screensaver screens', and all 'es', 'energy saver'
mode, so that there is no 'tux', or 'pipes', or what ever moving objects.

[to me, screensaver is a misnomer. anything that illuminates phosphor
does not save screen] [also, lets stay with single word 'screensaver'
or 'ss'. i have filters set to trap email if it contains 2 separate
words due to virus that was and may still be floating around]

> I have apmd off, wasn't before but is now.
> I have screensaver disabled.

this is what i was asking for. i may not have made it as clear as
i should have.

> I'm generally happy to have the, 20 minute= black screen, situation.

having it set so that there is no blanking or 'es' is what is needed
to insure that there is nothing going on with drivers.

> Isn't that power off, ie power off monitor, everything else is on and
> working.This is how I use it most of the time.

when a monitor blanks due to 'set to blank', it depends on how drivers
work. es can be either a single or 2 step process. varies by ability
of video card and drivers.

> Now that's an obvious test, I hadn't thought off.

ok. so what happens when at cli? knowing this can help cut trouble
shooting time.

> I've just spent an hour
> yesterday evening unplugging and replugging everything , and well I want
> to see if that makes a difference to stability. So for the moment I need to
> allow a bit of time to go by to see whether the problem is going to reappear.

i hope you were neat about it. :)

> I took your advice on board about screen width, and have resized and realigned
> the picture so that there is now about a 5 mm black boarder around the picture
> on screen. Now that is probably excessive but it will do to test a point.At any
> rate there is now no possibility of the picture being "off screen or curled > > > round".

reducing h & v sweep allows you to see edges of sweep and will show if
drivers are set up correctly. all edges should be clean and smooth.

> I haven't mentioned one other thing. Just recently, on shutdown, the
> monitor powers off and then turns itself back on again with "no signal"
> while the rest of the computer is dead. It does this in all OS's in cluding
> windblows. It ought to power off and stay that way until the computer
> is switched on again.

this is telling you that monitor is still 'power on'. turning off computer
does not turn power off for monitor. most monitors must have power turned
off by switch to be in 'full power down'.

my monitor, adi microscan 6p, will do same.

when it goes into es mode, it first shows 'dpms | going to off mode',
next it shows 'dpms | going to suspend mode'. this shuts down h & v
circuits, but, there is still power applied by power supply so that
monitor can monitor input from video card.

> If nothing else transpires here , I have learnt a lot about monitors, which
> hithertoo I simply took for granted.

live and learn. die and forget.

when it comes to electronics, never take anything for granted. ;)

if you were supplied a manual for your monitor, now would be a good time to
read it. it will help you to understand and appreciate what your 'boob tube'
is doing for you. it should also give you an explanation of how your monitor
operates thru various modes.

from my clock, i run gmt, i see you should be up by now. maybe off to school
or work. i will be up for about another hour and will check to see if you
have received this and what results you have.

much luck.

peace out.


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