John Richard Smith wrote:

I will do this next , I have to go out for a while, so I'll set the OS
to a root shell and leave it a few hours, come back and watch it a bit more
to see if there are any momentary lapses.
this should prove out if you are drawing excess current from ps and
cause it to shut down.

so switching supplies will recover on their on, some have to be powered
down, main power switch off, to recover.

Yes, not only neat but changed all the multiplugs etc etc I suspect
one may of been  less than ideal, one just gets carried away at times
adding pieces of equipement etc.
never hurts to be neat.

Well, it ain't bad , I do like a decent quality image to work with, so
1280x1024 seems just about good enough, I know other people criticize
these resolutions, but as you get older in life and visual impairments,
for that read glasses,  one likes to use a good picture quality.
i run mine at 1024 x 768. next up is 1152 x 864, then 1280 x 1024.

when i go above 1024 x 768, i have to change font size and loose what
i gain.

The edges are straight top and bottom and lefthand side, the right hand
side does have a very faint curve to the bottom righthand side. I'm just
wondering whether in fact some field coil ,of one of the endless transformers
one has to employ powering computer equipement up may be influencing
this a bit so will check that out.
normally, oem's do do some things right, and keeping xformer away from
crt is one of them. i would guess that what you are seeing is from a
possible irregularity of deflection yoke.

i run my sweep to where i am just touching edge of viewing mask. when i
am inside of it, i also notice a slight curving. i have noticed this on
a good many of 19" and 21" monitors and a few 17". i guess if oems went
to trouble of correcting this, they would be charging more.

> The picture seems steady to my eyes, but
my better half say's she can see a slight flicker, bear in mind I'm on
60Hz here, possibly it ough to be 70 Hz. but current drivers don't seem
to offer it. But taken overall I'd say this is not a bad picture at all and I'm
having to push my critique to be critical at all.
ever once in a while, i notice a quiver, which makes images loose sharpness,
but have not noticed any flicker.

By the way, whilst typing this I had a black screen power off and on,
not a degauss. So reducing the picture size didn't of itself do anything.
to lessen load to ps, you would really need to reduce res.

I think I might of solved it, I changed bios setting,
your bios is a little diff from mine. interesting tho to know that such a
feature exist. will have to keep a mental note on that one. then again,
maybe i should right it down. problem there is, i have too many notes
scattered on many and various pieces of paper and never do keep up with
them. maybe one day i will get a notebook to keep them in. maybe. :)

i am glad to see that you have that problem solved.

i run dual boot on this box, md 9.0 and oos98se. i dl mail with oos, boot
linux to do all my reading and writing, then then send in oos. a little
bit of trouble, but will do until i fully move under linux and have security
set to were i will be safe. i do not mind losing oos, but do not want to
chance losing linux.

a member of local user group,, complained about golum's mail server
not putting 'X-Reply-To:' in header, so as a joke, i wrote scripts for both
os's to to put it in and added a few more. from time to time, for what ever
reason, i do not know, oos scripts fails and 'x-*:' does not get put where
i intend them to be. and why they showed up in message sent to md list. so,
i have now disabled both of them.

crash time. will check back around 1500 gmt to see how your problem is.

also, i am not trying to double send to you, direct and thru list. i am
using netscape 7 in oos and for some reason or other, when i click 'reply'
button, it will pull your address instead of list address. this time i
clicked 'reply all' and it only pulled list address. go figure. one more
reason i look forward to full time linux.

peace out.


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