On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 02:37, Margot wrote:
> Hello All
> Had to step back from this problem for a while, for health reasons. Back
> now, and have got a bit further, but not much!
> Have abandoned eurobell as ISP, and gone with freeserve anytime. Have set it
> all up in MCC/kppp and Mozilla (thanks to John Richard Smith for freeserve
> screenshots), but still having problems.
> Subscribed to the Berlin news server via Win 98 machine, and next time I
> tried to connect via Linux machine the news.cis.dfn.de account automatically
> showed up in Mozilla - but when I tried to subscribe to newsgroups I got
> "Failed to connect to server news.cis.dfn.de". Seems to me that it HAS
> connected to the server - or how would Mozilla know that I had registered
> for that service - but for some reason it won't let me see the information
> that is coming from the server!
> When trying to receive email, I get "Failed to connect to server
> pop.freeserve.com". Attempted browsing gives me a message at the bottom of
> the browser screen "Resolving host www.google.co.uk" and a box in the middle
> of the browser saying "www.google.co.uk  could not be found. Please check
> the name and try again".
> By mistake the other day I forgot to set kppp running before trying
> Mozilla - and got the exact same error messages on mail, news and browse
> without even being connected to the internet!
> I have tried to ping, and got strange results - when I did ping
> www.yahoo.com I got "unknown host www.yahoo.com, but when I tried ping
> (the numeric version of yahoo) I got "PING
> ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. I don't
> understand why it works by number but not by name.
> Can anyone help me further?
> Thanks
> Margot

It is most obviously a network problem - either your KPPP setup is
incorrect, or the actual local machine settings are incorrect. You
should go through all the settings for KPPP and make sure that you're
putting in their Primary and Secondary DNS entries, as well as setting
it to use a server given IP address.

Often I have run across network problems with KPPP, hence my aversion to
using it - preferring to use WV-DIAL instead (along with Xwvdial as the
GUI interface).

WV-DIAL in on the MDK disks - can't quite remember which one, but it's a
tad more simplistic in it's setup - more of a static setup and easier to
get to the bits and bobs for doing further configurations - as well, it
leaves a really nice little text file in the /etc directory that is very
easily modified.

Another thing to make sure is that your modem is being initialised
properly - I have seen in some instances that the modems basic init
strings disallow proper network flow - a good standard init string is:

AT &F &C1 &D2 E1 Q0 V1 (for literally any modem)

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I went home with a waitress,
The way I always do.
How I was I to know?
She was with the Russians too.

I was gambling in Havana,
I took a little risk.
Send lawyers, guns, and money,
Dad, get me out of this.
                -- Warren Zevon, "Lawyers, Guns and Money"

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